Monday, April 26, 2010

Spin4130 art

This is a new logo design MiniBruce and I collaborated on for my bike projects. He just got it done and i felt the need to introduce it just as it is right here right now. Eventually you should be seeing this applied to those previously mentioned projects, but for now just check it out. The 4130 CrankFace.

Friday, April 9, 2010

To You, Local Rider

Dear Bicycle Rider I Almost Smashed Last Night,
        You might have crashed last night as I flew by. I have no apologies for the way I handled myself in that time or place. I saw what happened from afar, and I can assure you that you have no right in the streets on your rickety-ass bike at night. I spotted you riding down a one-way on the tree streets at the last possible moment. I wasn't the only one. I saw the car at the crossroad in front of you hesitate and second guess their actions a few times before I knew you were even there pissing the driver off. The main issue was the darkness of night and your lack of any lights whatsoever. As I was passing you, right when I noticed your presence, you made an unstable turn without warning or signal. I swerved to not hit you, and thanks to my awareness and not yours, swerved around the hesitant car as well. I don't hope that you crashed into the ground or that car's bumper, but if that is what happened its your own damn fault for not having any self awareness. I don't want this experience to stop you from riding, but to drop some knowledge into your skull that you may wanna consider protecting with a helmet from now on. If you didn't crash I wouldn't consider this an example of learning the hard way and now you know. Get some lights. Open your eyes. Look around.  Stop pissing traffic off because of your ignorant ways. Stop making me and other riders look bad.
                                                                              Sincerely Yours,
                                                         The Fast Guy With The Lights
p.s. - If we had collided, you would've been way worse off than I.