Friday, May 21, 2010


i've moved my blog page. sorry "blogger" but im at for now.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sticker Order Has Been Placed

They are to be presented as white on black. I'll probably be handing these out for a while once the shipment comes in. Put them on your bike, or your helmet, or in the corner of that nook or cranny that your sure someone will see it, but not from a car's point of view. Put them on your bumper of your car if your also a driver. Put them on your frizbee. Put them on your box of secrets you keep in the closet. Put one on your boombox. Put them on your coffee table. Put one on your refrigerator. Put one on the wall in the bathroom at the bar. Put one on your dog. Or just stick them wherever else you see fit. Good times with stickers.

Bridgestone update

(jpg) So, there it is. This bike has been so reliable and it still rolls down the road even after all the abuse ive dished its way. Yes it rolls down the road...... in the trunk of a car..... (sigh). I went down on my way to work the other day. At the intersection of StateOfFranklin and Market, a junction i pass through daily, i picked up a chunk of rusted steel debris in my rear tire as i was hopping up the curb. it slid as the air rushed out of the wound. the curb impacted that rear rim with a vicious force. My spd released at a retarded angle and my foot slipped. i went down. the bike went flying. i got up and carried the rest of the way to work. that rim is so bent that it doesnt clear the stays thus wont roll at all. looks like ill be on the Ripper a lot until i get around buying a fresh set of Gator Skins and getting to lacing up another Mavic.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Urban Velo in Asheville

This article titled "Aiming for an Urban Cycling Mecca in Asheville North Carolina" can be read along with the rest of Urban Velo #19 online for free at . The article covers stories from our neighbor over the ridge, Asheville, NC. Many of us are already familiar with the subject matter in this article. It would be a good time if a few of the Destroy riders wanted to head over there with our rides sometime and cruise, eat, drink, ride the track, and smell the hippies.  

Buffallope Vs Chatty

New videos from David cruising in his new city of Chattanooga, TN. Neat that they were shot using an iPod hairtied to a light mount. They aren't action packed, but they are edited with video game themed subtitles. Just some chill Chatty-cruizin' footage. 

No, I Haven't Forgotten Polo

I've been slacking off a bit. But I swear my logic has been in holding out for the summer. Holding out for students' freedom. Holding out for late night rides. I get the feeling there are now more riders emerging that I haven't yet met. This 'summers almost in swing anxiety' swept over me as I was pondering the polo mallets that I still havent finished. So, I headed over to Luke's place to fiddle around with the supplies. Here is a picture of a still unfinished mallet from earlier today. All ski poles have been cut at 38". The mallet heads are CPVC and vary from 6.5" to 8". They are still waiting to have the hardware put in place, to be plugged, and to be wrapped. I am also trying to have Destroy "chainring D" stickers ready at the same time as the mallets. When I pass out mallets you should get stickers too! I just needed to post this so you all know that I am working on this stuff. Just a week or so till Summer takes over. In the meantime you can download these desktop backgrounds courtesy of MiniBruce.