Sunday, May 2, 2010

No, I Haven't Forgotten Polo

I've been slacking off a bit. But I swear my logic has been in holding out for the summer. Holding out for students' freedom. Holding out for late night rides. I get the feeling there are now more riders emerging that I haven't yet met. This 'summers almost in swing anxiety' swept over me as I was pondering the polo mallets that I still havent finished. So, I headed over to Luke's place to fiddle around with the supplies. Here is a picture of a still unfinished mallet from earlier today. All ski poles have been cut at 38". The mallet heads are CPVC and vary from 6.5" to 8". They are still waiting to have the hardware put in place, to be plugged, and to be wrapped. I am also trying to have Destroy "chainring D" stickers ready at the same time as the mallets. When I pass out mallets you should get stickers too! I just needed to post this so you all know that I am working on this stuff. Just a week or so till Summer takes over. In the meantime you can download these desktop backgrounds courtesy of MiniBruce.

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