Saturday, February 20, 2010

First D.I.Y. Bike Solution For the Blog

      So, I really don't care for pedal strap/toe cage combos but dont want to be clipped in on the fixie because im intending to trick on it. I wanted to find an alternate system that would have a solid broad area of contact for my BMX style Shadow Conspiracy pedals. Research lead to HoldFast pedal retention systems. Check 'em out.  I can tell that the current design they are producing just makes sense. They are also nearly $60 a pair, which is just to much for me to drop on a pedal system that im not so familiar with. Research also lead to a D.I.Y. at . I like the idea of D.I.Y. solutions that may be all the investment you need to have an introduction to a system or concept you havent yet tried. That being said..... that strap on wired is weak. so here is mine that i made inspired by that article. They are much burlier because i got my nylon straps off of an old bag. so instead of cutting a tear into one solid band, i constructed this from strips. I've thrown some serious skids down, and a few keos and fakie tricks, and i must say they work pretty well. im having the same problem riders had with the early Holdfast models. that is having to reach down to pull them open periodically. If you are looking for a solution for toe overlap on your fixie, i recommend making a set and who know..... maybe the concept will really work for you and Holdfast is just a little progression away. ill update how well they are still working in a week or so.

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