Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Glass and sidewalk surfing

Who's job is it to clean glass off the road? Really!?! I have personally stopped and kicked glass out of the way of potential bicycle traffic. Its in the middle of streets, intersections, shoulders, the bike path/lanes are the worst, and there are even timed patterns of glass shed on certain sidewalks. I'll be back to the debris in a second, but that was a great lead into another topic that keeps coming up around me. Sidewalks. Some riders don't/won't use sidewalks on their bikes around here. I don't mind using sidewalks on my commutes at all. Hell, they might be some of the best part of my typical ride to work because of the winding in between buildings and a skywalk bridge etc. that sidewalks allow me to enjoy. The only time I feel that a sidewalk is really needed is if a descent climb times itself with traffic slowing me down, making me anxious, and also pissing off the cars behind me, because even if they dont have to slow to pass me, they still act like they do. On a steep grade i wouldnt be able to go significantly faster on the road anyway. I can be smooth on a sidewalk no problem. I just dont like messing with all that stress in the roads I travel by bike every day. I also can't at all stand riding a sidewalk if im on the Pogliaghi in Lycra. It's just "not that kind of casual" no matter how easy the days' ride may be. All of that into account....... I am going to take a broom out to some of the glass fields scattered around town. I'll sweep that shit up myself. Somebody has to do it. I should get paid. Or at least a good Samaritan award like a free movie or something. Maybe a tax cut.

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