Thursday, March 11, 2010

Killin' It Out There

So, it didnt take long for the only stock parts left on my fixie to start failing. That is the frame and fork. I posted earlier that i was suprised how much i liked the fixie and how i shouldve bought a nicer one that could be built up by an ex bmxer like myself. Well, i went cheap and now the bike is no more. The fork is way bent. it wont barspin and the steel is soft. like i ran the bike into a wall to straighten the rake and it worked long enough for a few more tricks till it gave way to a spongy sensation of  failure. Im in too deep not to find a replacement. When the time came to start 180s and hoping out of keos, and tail tapping everything i could, i followed through and realized a couple little places in my timing that i could get more "umph!" outta the way i was handling the bike. The bike couldnt handle it. Period. Started landing more technical maneuvers only to realize that i could go farther. Now my progression is dead in the water. Oh, just wait. I will find my replacement. It wont be generic. It will be beefy. My ambitions will be bold. The riding will be fresh. Oh, my friend, just you wait and see. Level Up.

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