Monday, March 22, 2010

Old Fixie R.I.P. / New Fixie RIPper

Got the new fixie built up now. Its a 2010 SE Racing P.K. Ripper fixed. I always wanted a ripper back when i was a kid racing BMX. Now that i'm a big boy, SE made a run of these limited edition fixed Rippers based on the BMX i used to want so bad. For my purposes, this bike was the best bang for the buck. I dont consider my riding freestyle. Its fixed street instead of traditional fixed track. I intend on getting pretty technical with my handling of this bike, but im not taking huge risks for the sake of big tricks. If that was my intention, i'd be on a BMX. Don't get me wrong, tricking is an honorable discipline in its own right, but im done with the sacrifices i made in mobility and risk while riding BMX a long long time ago. Technical skills lead to tricking and with 700c wheels i can practice my 180s, barspin combos, wheelies, and whatever else, while riding at a more efficient pace to a destination. Riding in town gets stale for me sometimes. This will surely keep it interesting. There will no doubt be trick sessions, commuting, polo, and hassle free riding all come out of this bike. So, i think this is pretty darn cool.

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