Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rain Falls as I Pedal

So, looks like winter may finally be giving way to spring. Don't get too excited unless you love rain, cuz thats what were in for. I personally don't mind the winter if I'm geared and although refreshing at times, I find spring showers to be a  warm tease leading to summer nights. Nevertheless I continue my car-free quest. This year is a bit different in that im better prepared than seasons of old. I guess just to make sure, i should be double checking my list.

  • Underarmor base layer-check
  • bib shorts and tights-check
  • thin wool socks (i wear them year round)-double check
  • Tasty vintage jerseys-check
  • the Weather Channel. know what your in for and when. Just because its a rainy day doesnt mean you must get caught in the heaviest windiest part of it all. Timing is sometimes a big key role. -check
  • rear fender that will fit all my bikes-check
  • neoprene booties-check
  • now this next one was a christmas gift from my lady friend, i probably wouldnt have bought one for myself, but its so badass that i dont ever wanna go without it, and if u can getcha one go for it, and that is thermal/windproof/water resistant l/s LG jersey jacket. not only does it work, but i feel like Johnny Quest or Velo-Batman or whatever when im wearing it.-check
  • Waterproof overtrousers that easily fit over lycra, but over jeans and whatever else too. -check
  • Headband to cover my floppy lobes-check
  • Wrap around shades-check
  • Headlight with a high/wide beam combo-check
  • full finger gloves-check
  • waterproof bag. I like the rolltop packs by Chrome Bags. -check
  • My 86' Bridgestone-check
  • time investment to keep my tasty steel and vintage drivetrains from gettin all gunked up.-check
  • the nerve to just go for it-check
So now that you have seen my checklist, maybe its time to be working on your own checklist. With all your bases covered you dont have to be that guy driving instead of riding, and falling back on weak excuses. Instead you could be that dude who isnt afraid to commit to riding in all conditions, even if its those consecutive April showers. Oh, and another little note. Some people <---hipsters....... hate on tech gear when urban riding. My guess is that they never tried it. If LG and other high end riding gear companies provide their products for the pro peleton, think of how effective it must be. It becomes urban when worn with the right attitude. Try this shiz out. I doubt you will go back to riding in the rain in a hoodie ever again.

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